
assoziation-                                                                                 europäischer-                                                                     primaertherapeuten

          emergency phone call: (0049) (0) 177-166-3593




is the largest international association of investigating therapist in Europe, concerning the research of symptoms neurotics, with active members in many countries including international members.

Its members include leading experts in numerous fields, covering the interests of the Primärtherapie in research,

development, academia, and practice.



A lot of painful things happen to all of us.  Early in our life that get imprinted in our brain in the „LIMBIC-SYSTEM“, the center of the emotions, deep in our head never will forget it, carrying the memories forward making many days and nights and all the life miserable.

Depression, phobias, panic-attacks and a lot of more symptoms that add to the suffering pains and horrible conditions.

With the signature of HanHoSan, the president of aep, we found the implements getting a way into those early emotional feelings with all that memories. 

From now on the patient will have the ability to dredge them up from  the unconscious really independent by himself. He will have access to those memories to re- experience them to the present, to intergrate them in the conscious and feelings of to-day, to be no longer driven by unconscious bad memories, pains and horrible conditions.

Dr. Sigmund Freud, the founder of the “Psychoanalyze” and Dr. Arthur Janov, the founder of the “Primaltherapy” have got to the first time in life a way to access feelings, hidden in the center of the brain.

HanHoSan and his team have found for the first time in history a safe way to elevate these forms of therapy, for more than 30 years research, founded by new implements and techniques, to a new revolution of therapies, to get access to the essence of really feelings  to reduce the patient suffering or to dissolve the neurotic crazes.


HanHoSan the creator of “Primärtherapie nach HanHoSan” found a new technique that makes possible that each patient would be able to create his own form of re-experience his emotions. The patient will be able to work with himself without the influence of the therapist. The patient will be confronted only with himself and not with his therapist.

He has the implements of this new technique in his own hands.

aep will continue this way of research. With the association of all members I will hope to diminish the suffering in the world for more understanding what is going on in our brain. Thank you to all  participants.

HanHoSan the creator of “Primärtherapie nach HanHoSan” (President of aep).

































































Wie Patienten abgezockt

werden und

warum wir immer kränker


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